How to Remove Paint from Woodwork Trim

Wood trim is a finishing touch that can make any home go from average to elegant. Therefore, it’s important to make sure yours is in peak shape.
Whether you’re here because your wood trim is in dire need of a refinish—or you’ve experienced drips and runs from a recent paint job—this guide will teach you exactly how to remove paint from your woodwork trim.


Tips for Removing Paint

  • When sanding, turn your vacuum cleaner on and place the sucking hose in the direction of your trim. This will collect a lot of the debris and dust that sheds from your trim.
  • Wood bleach and cleaning bleach are two different things! Do not use regular bleach on your wood trim! This can potentially destroy your trim!
  • You must wear gloves and be in a well-ventilated room when dealing with wood bleach. If you have to, open a window, turn on your ceiling fan, or wear a respirator.
  • Wear old clothing! Wood bleach can stain your clothes just as regular cleaning bleach can. Try to avoid touching anything after using it—especially your face and eyes!
  • You may use paint thinners in substitution of paint remover. However, do this at your own risk. Not only are paint thinners toxic, they can damage the surface of your wood!
  •  More: If you’re brand new to woodworking or you might be interest in taking it up as a passion, be sure to check out our article on How to Get Started in Woodworking!


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